Saturday, 31 October 2020

Types of Injuries:

1. Sprain (मोच): a sudden or violent twist or wrench of a joint with stretching or tearing of ligaments

2. Fracture (हड्डी टूटना): he breaking of hard tissue (such as bone)

3. Whiplash (गर्दन की मोच): injury caused by a severe jerk to the head, typically in a car accident

4. Cut (चोट/घाव): a long, narrow incision in the skin made by something sharp

5. Graze (खरोंच): a slight injury where the skin is scraped

6. Bruise (नील): an injury which appears as a purple mark on your body, although the skin is not broken.

7. Sunburn (धूप से जलना): a condition in which your skin is sore and red because you have spent too long in the strong heat of the sun

8. Splinter (पतली तीली का त्वचा में घुस जाना): when a small needle-like particle enters into the body

9. Bite (दाँत से काटना): a wound inflicted by a snake, insect, or spider.

10. Burn (जलना): an injury caused by exposure to heat or flame.

11. Sting (डंक मारना): when an insect, plant, or animal hurts (someone) by piercing the skin with a sharp, pointed part that usually contains poison

12. Blister (छाला, फफोला): a painful swelling on the skin that contains liquid, caused usually by continuous rubbing, especially on your foot, or by burning

Friday, 16 October 2020

Blood type O least vulnerable to Covid, A and AB at most risk: Study


Researchers seek to show why the pandemic is lethal for some, not so for others

New research suggests that people with O blood type are less likely to contract the novel coronavirus. For such blood type, the risk of developing severe symptoms, including organ failure, is also reduced.

However, people who have blood types A and AB are the most vulnerable to the infection.

The findings of two separate studies aimed to reason why the virus is lethal for some, while others are not even aware they have had it.

The study was published in the journal Blood Advances.

Changes in red blood cells can help identify Covid-19 severity level: Study

First study

The first team gathered information from the Danish health registry data of more than 4,73,000 Covid-19 positive individuals out of the general population of 2.2 million.

The findings revealed that there were fewer positive results among those with blood type O — the most common while peers with blood type A and AB were the most vulnerable. Rates of infection were similar in these three groups.

The trends remained unaffected after the researchers factored in ethnicity, which affects blood group distributions.

Scientists find five blood molecules linked to severe Covid-19 outcome in patients

Lead author Dr Torben Barington, of Odense University Hospital, said in a statement: “It is very important to consider the proper control group because blood type prevalence may vary considerably in different ethnic groups and different countries.”

He added: “We have the advantage of a strong control group — Denmark is a small, ethnically homogeneous country with a public health system and a central registry for lab data. So our control is population-based, giving our findings a strong foundation.”

Second study

In the second study, the researchers examined 95 critically ill Covid-19 patients in a hospital in Vancouver.

They found that the A and AB blood types were at higher risk of severe symptoms than those with O or B.

The researchers observed that patients with these blood types are more likely to be put on mechanical ventilation. This suggested that they had greater rates of lung injury from the virus — and dialysis for kidney failure.

These patients also had an increased risk of organ dysfunction or failure due to Covid-19.

The researchers also noted that people with blood types A and AB did not have longer overall hospital stays. However, they remained in the intensive care unit (ICU) for longer on average.

This may also signal a greater Covid-19 severity level, said the Canadian team.

Lead author Dr Mypinder Sekhon, of the University of British Columbia, said: “The unique part of our study is our focus on the severity effect of blood type on Covid-19.”

The researchers noted in their study: “We observed this lung and kidney damage, and in future studies, we will want to tease out the effect of blood group and Covid-19 on other vital organs. Of particular importance, as we continue to traverse the pandemic, we now have a wide range of survivors who are exiting the acute part of Covid-19, but we need to explore mechanisms by which to risk stratify those with longer-term effects.”

Wednesday, 14 October 2020

My Youtube Videos........Plese Subscribe To my Youtube channel.....

1. Vakratunda Mahakaya suryakoti samaprabha = 

2. How to creat PDFs. =

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4. Shuklammbardhaaram Vishnum sashivarnam chaturbhujam.ॐ卐 =

5. कोशिश करने वालों की हार नहीं होती । Kosis Karne Bwalo Ki Har Nahi Hoti



New Education Policy (2020)

 Cabinet has approved the New Education Policy 2020.

Education policy has been changed after 34 years. The remarkable things about the new education policy are as follows:

5 Years Fundamentals 

1. Nursery @ 4 Years

2. Jr KG @ 5 Years

3. Sr KG @ 6 Years

4. Std 1st @ 7 Years

5. Std 2nd @ 8 Years

3 Years Preparatory

6. Std 3rd @ 9 Years

7. Std 4th @ 10 Years

8. Std 5th @ 11 Years

3 Years Middle

9. Std 6th @ 12 Years

10.Std 7th @ 13 Years

11. Std 8th @ 14 Years

4 Years Secondary

12. Std 9th @ 15 Years

13. Std SSC @ 16 Years

14. Std FYJC @ 17Years

15. STD SYJC @ 18 Years

Important things:

There will be board in 12th class only.

4 years of college degree. 

No 10th Boards

MPhil will also be closed.

(In institutes like JNU, 45 to 50 years old students stay there for many years and pursue MPhil. All these debauched leftist ideologues will now be removed from the institute)

Now students up to 5th will be taught in mother tongue, local language and national language only. 

The rest of the subjects, even if they are English, will be taught as a subject.


Now just have to take board exams in 12th standard. Whereas earlier, it was mandatory to take the 10th board exam, which will not happen now.

Examination will be done in the semester form from 9th to 12th class. 

Schooling will be done under the 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 formula (see table above).

College degree will be 3 and 4 years old i.e., a certificate will be given on the first year of graduation, diploma on the second year, degree in the third year.

3-year degree is for those students who do not have to take higher education. At the same time, students doing higher education will have to do a 4-year degree. Students doing 4 years degree will be able to do MA in one year.

--- Now students will not have to do MPhil. Rather MA students will now be able to do PHD directly.

Students will be able to do other courses in between. Gross enrollment ratio will be 50 percent by 2035 in higher education. At the same time, under the new education policy, if a student wants to do another course in the middle of a course, then he can take a second course by taking a break for a limited time from the first course.

Many reforms have also been made in higher education. Improvements include graded academic, administrative and financial autonomy etc. Apart from this, e-courses will be started in regional languages. Virtual Labs will be developed. A National Educational Scientific Forum (NETF) will be started. There are 45 thousand colleges in the country.

Uniform rules will be for all government, private, deemed institutions.

According to this rule, new academic session can be started and all students and parents need to carefully read this message.


 शीषर्क :- हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी है।

 विद्या :- कविता 

हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी है।


●हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी है,

हर दिन तेरी लीला न्यारी,

तू कर देती है मन मोहित,

जब सुबह होती प्यारी।

 ●हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी,

सुबह होती तो गगन में छा जाती लाली मां,

छोड़ घोसला पंछी उड़ जाते,

हर दिन नई राग सुनाते।

●हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी,

कहीं धूप तो कहीं छाव लाती,

हर दिन आशा की नई किरण लाती,

हर दिन तू नया रंग दिखलाती।

●हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी,

कहीं ओढ़ लेती हो धानी चुनर,

तो कहीं सफेद चादर ओढ़ लेती,

रंग भतेरे हर दिन तू दिखलाती।

●हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी,

कभी शीत तो कभी बसंत,

कभी गर्मी तो कभी ठंडी,

हर ऋतू तू दिखलाती।

●हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी,

कहीं चलती तेज हवा सी,

कही रूठ कर बैठ जाती,

अपने रूप अनेक दिखलाती।

●हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी,

कभी देख तुझे मोर नाचता,

तो कभी चिड़िया चहचाती,

जंगल का राजा सिह भी दहाड़ लगाता।

●हे प्रकृति कैसे बताऊं तू कितनी प्यारी,

हम सब को तू जीवन देती,

जल और ऊर्जा का तू भंडार देती,

परोपकार की तू शिक्षा देती,

हे प्रकृति तू सबसे प्यारी।


 शीषर्क :- स्वतंत्रता  


विद्या  :- कविता 

स्वतंत्रता  दिवस 


● लाल  रक्त  से  धरा  नहाई,

श्वेत  नभ  पर  लालिमा  छायी,

आजादी  के  नव  उद्घोष  पे,

सबने  वीरों  की   गाथा  गायी ।

● गाँधी , नेहरु , पटेल , सुभाष   की ,

ध्वनि  चारो  और   है  छायी ,

भगत , राजगुरु  और , सुखदेव  की

क़ुरबानी  से   आँखे   भर  आई ।

● ऐ  भारत  माता  तुझसे  अनोखी ,

और  अद्भुत  माँ  न   हमने  पायी ,

हमारे   रगों  में  तेरे  क़र्ज़  की ,

एक  एक  बूँद  समायी।

● माथे  पर  है     बांधे    कफ़न ,

और  तेरी  रक्षा  की  कसम  है  खायी ,

सरहद  पे  खड़े  रहकर,

आजादी  की  रीत  निभाई ।।


 राखी का आज त्यौहार



 ● राखी का आज त्यौहार है,

बहन भाई के लिए बहुत खास है

लाया खुशियों की बहार है,

रेशम के धागे से बंधा प्यार है।

● बहनें आज भाइयों को

कुमकुम का तिलक लगाती हैं

अपने प्यारे हाथों से,

भाई को मिठाई खिलाती है।

● भाई की सूनी कलाई पर

रेशम का धागा बांधती है

बदले में भाई से रक्षा का

अनमोल वायदा पाती है।

● भाई भी सुंदर सुंदर तोहफे

बहनों के लिए लाते हैं,

तोहफे में क्या मिलने वाला है

बहनें उत्सुक रहती हैं।

● बहनें भी भाई की

सलामती की दुआ करती है,

खुश रहो तुम सदा भैया

यही प्रार्थना करती है।

● बहन भाई का एक दूसरे पर

होता अटूट विश्वास है

रेशम के धागे से ये

बंधा हुआ त्यौहार है।

रक्षाबंधन का त्यौहार हैं।


 शीषर्क :- वह किसान 

विधा   :- कविता 

वह किसान 


 ●पेट जो भरता लोगों का

मिट्टी से फसल उगाता है,

उस किसान की खातिर तो

ये धरा ही उसकी माता है।

●आलस जरा न तन में रहे

कोई डर न मन में रहे

जितनी भी मुसीबत पड़ती है

बिन बोले वो चुपचाप सहे,

बस परिवार की खातिर ही

वो रहता मुस्कुराता है

उस किसान की खातिर तो

ये धरा ही उसकी माता है।

●न धूप सताए दिन की उसे

न काली रात डराती है

डटा रहे हर मौसम में

जब तक न फसल पक जाती है,

सूरज के उठने से पहले

वो पहुँच खेत में जाता है

उस किसान की खातिर तो

ये धरा ही उसकी माता है।


 शीर्षक   :- हमारा देश

विधा      :-  कविता 

हमारा देश 


 ● देश हमारा कितना प्यारा,

      दुनिया भर में न्यारा है।

ताज हिमालय चरन सागर, 

   कुदरत का यह बसेरा है।

 ● माटी इसकी सोना उगले,

       रत्नों का तो भण्डार है।

हरी-भरी इसकी क्यारियाँ, 

        फल फूलों का आगार है।

●  बड़ा साहसी हर देशवासी,

           बलिदान को तैयार है।

खबरदार हर बच्चा-बच्चा,

         इसका पहरेदार है।

What is ORAC ?

 ORAC is Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity.

Higher ORAC, Better will be oxygen carrying capacity of blood & Lungs oxygen capacity.

In the Future, our survival will be based on our Immunity 

*Why spices are important for our Life? Look at their ORAC Values...

Clove       : 314,446 ORAC

Cinnamon : 267,537 ORAC

Turmeric : 102,700 ORAC

Cocoa : 80,933    ORAC


Cumin   : 76,800  ORAC

Parsley  : 74,349 ORAC

Tulsi       : 67,553 ORAC


Thyme    : 27,426ORAC

Ginger   : 28,811 ORAC

Extracts of Ginger , Tulsi, Turmeric are at least 10 times higher ORAC Values. That's how they become effective.




Nature boosts immunity ...


High ORAC foods and Nutrients such as iron, vitamin C, Zinc, omega 3, Magnesium and Vitamin D helps boost our body's defence mechanism. 

Apart from Tulsi, Ginger, Pepper, Turmeric, Cinnamon. Clove... herbs like Brahmi, Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Mulethi, Arjunarishtam, Peppermint, coriander seeds, cumin black seeds are catching attention of Scientists. 

So, this is more than any vaccine one need for self immunity. Without any side effects.

Since 80% of virus positive patients had no symptoms at all , leaves uncertainity for all of us !

Testing 130 crore population is next to impossible. 

Even if we test daily 1,00,000 people, we will need over many many  years to just test !

This suggests .... our future is our immunity.... just like intel inside in computers, we have to inbuilt immunity inside!

That's why they say our Kitchen Masala dabba is a biggest Pharmacy for the whole family.

*Right Desi food is the best medicine to fight every disorders.

Son of the Soil

 It was 22nd July, 1947. A former Commander of the then Royal Air Force was having dinner with his wife at his residence. At about 10pm the phone started ringing. 

Within minutes after lifting the phone, he could well understand that the call was from none other than the Prime Minister designate of the country Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru. Nehru, who incidentally was one of his close friends and well wishers too. After talking to him for few minutes he returned to the dining table visibly extremely disturbed. 

Finding him in a state of absent mindedness, his wife asked him " What is the matter? Why you appear to be so tense ? Whose phone call was it ? "

The officer replied: " I have to immediately rush to Indonesia with my personal plane. I have to rescue a VIP secretly from the vigilance of the Dutch Army and fly back with him. When this becomes a directive from Nehruji, I consider this of utmost importance and necessity.  In that case, a Co-  Pilot has to accompany me but how can I involve a person knowing fully about the secret operation and risks associated with the operation ? "

Smilingly his wife replied:  Darling,  do you not consider me who is having a license of flying 900 hours as a Pilot? Don't worry, I shall accompany you in the operation. 

The Officer became dumbfounded to this proposal coming from his wife and curiously asked her how could they proceed leaving their nine month old baby? "

The wife replied : Oh, don't worry. It is a matter of few hours only. The Nany shall look after the baby till the time we return. 

She said all these confidently as if they were out for a night party !

And what happened thereafter has become history. They left their residence for Palam Airport where his personal Dacota plane awaited their arrival. The ATC granted clearance for flying on special instruction from higher authority and the Wing Commander flew to Djakarta with his wife seated beside him. 

Indonesia, a county of islands, was under the clutches of the Dutch since 1816. Japan captured the country during the second world war. When the Dutch surrendered, Sukorno of the Nationalist Party of Indonesia declared independence though in majority islands the Dutch kept their control. However, under pressure from various parts, they agreed for total independence of Indonesia effective 25th March,1947 but delayed their tactics under various pretexts. Ultimately the Dutch forces gheraoed the Mardeka Palace on 21st July and imprisoned all ministers. Sukorno and the Prime Minister Sultan Jahirir though went underground but could not leave the country as they were under strong vigil of the Dutch Army. Jaharir's release were of utmost importance for UNO and for the whole world to ascertain the exact situation prevailing in Indonesia. It was under such a prevalent situation Nehruji's help was sought for and hence this operation. 

On 24th July, the Dakota plane landed at the Palam Airport with a lone passenger Sultan Jahirir and thus ended the spine chilling mission. 

After receiving independence from Holland, as a symbol of gratitude, love and affection, Indonesia conferred the highest civil award of their country " Son of the Soil " to the Wing Commander which so far has not been awarded to anybody. 

After Indian independence in 1947, the said Wing Commander cum Pilot was inducted in the cabinet of ministers to look after the Steel and Mines ministry and later on served as the Chief Minister of a neighboring state namely Odisha.

Could you now recognize the main character of the whole mission ?

The Pilot was Shri Biju Patnaik and the co- pilot his Punjabi wife from Lahore Jnan Sethi who was incidentally the first commercial lady pilot of the country. 

And the nine month baby:

Shri Nabin Patnaik , present Chief Minister of Odisha !


 1. The STOMACH is injured when you do not have breakfast in the morning.

2. The KIDNEYS are injured when you do not even drink 10 glasses of water in 24 hours.

3. The GALLBLADDER is injured when you do not even sleep until 11 o'clock and do not wake up to the sunrise.

4. The SMALL INTESTINE is injured when you eat cold and stale food.

5. The LARGE INTESTINES are injured when you eat more fried and spicy food.

6. The LUNGS are injured when you breathe in smoke and stay in polluted environment of cigarettes.

7. The LIVER is injured when you eat heavy fried food, junk, and fast food.

8. The HEART is injured when you eat your meal with more salt and cholesterol.

9. The PANCREAS is injured when you eat sweet things because they are tasty and freely available.

10.  The Eyes are injured when you work in the light of mobile phone and computer screen in the dark.

11. The Brain is injured when you start thinking negative thoughts.

12. The SOUL gets injured when you don't have family and friends to care and share with you in life their love, affection, happiness, sorrow and joy.

All these parts are NOT available in the market. 

So take good care and keep your body parts healthy.


 Old people are ridiculed when they talk too much, but doctors see it as a blessing : Doctors say that retirees (senior citizens) should tal...