Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Positivity: An optimistic future

The most important thing is to try and inspire people so that they can be great in whatever they want to do.
Yesterday is not ours to recover but tomorrow is ours to win.see the positive in negative events.The learner always begin by finding fault but the scholar sees the positive merit.
Let's give our mind a positive focus for the day, its likes a challenge. We could, for example, say to our mind that, no matter what happens today let us see how many times we can win at remaining peaceful, respectful, cheerful, patient. As our peace grows the atmosphere around us changes. As we stop reacting to others we become a mirror for them to see what they need to change so that they too can become more peaceful and happy. Attitude’ is a non-physical thing and it changes the atmosphere around us. Our ‘attitude’ sends out vibes and people pick up on these.
Keep your faith trust and right attitude, you will see God olen up new days.


Patience is not ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.
Trust the process.God has perfect timing, never early never late.
We could not never learn to be brave and patient if there only joy in the world.
Even a happy life cannot be measure wjthout darkness and the word "happy"would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness.
Controlling the weather is to exercise the art of patient and to respect the fury of nature.
When we worry we create a dreadful, the worst possible picture about the future in our mind and fret over it as if it were only truth. The word of the God is that everything that happened, is happening or will happen is for our good. These points together lend a great degree of stability, positivity and maturity to our lives which cannot be shattered. "Patiance Conquers Everything.


For human civilisation two factors are very important one is freedom and another is Discipline. Two concepts are also influence the development of civilisation. One is who under absolute freedom and another is who under strict Deciplin. There also a middle path enjoying freedom with Decipline. 
  Generally we believe freedom means live with your desire and do what ever you think fit.Enjoying human rights like free to move and free to Speak.. etc.But Decipline  brings some restrictions on your rights.. May not be fullfiled  desire or rights. But Ancient people adopt so many tradition and rituals for smooth functioning of civil life and betterment of society and  a safe civilisation. But in mordern society we adopt decpline by Makeing our law, Rule and Regulations. The main aim of both the concept is for better society and safe society. 
  Some times  decipline may not acceptable when we feel it hamper the diginity of life.. But some times we accept it for the cause of better society and better life. 
Any act of individual if Endangers of others life or chaos in society and harmful to civilisation then some restrictions may brings smooth and harmony in society to build a progressive civilisation. 
Adopting some discipline  in life means over come all odds and obstacles for a successful life. . We can achieve success by performing work with much discipline and it is the key to victory..

Tolerance Is The Best Weapon...

The highest result of education is tolerance. Compassion and tolerance are not weakness but sign of strength. 
Without tolerance there can not be any leading friendships. Thus be and remain tolerate. Infinite tolerance can improve even the worst relationship. It supply fuel for lasting love. 
When there is tolerance, there is the ability to understand and accept situations as they are. So there is no reaction to situation and people, but an ability to act in the right way. So the one who is tolerant is able to make use of the available resources and be the best under all circumstances. Tolerance brings the recognition of the actual situation and the ability to see beyond the situation.
Families are the best place to learn and practice mutual tolerance.In families we found the persons with Different ideology with different life style and different food habits. There may different angles to see the subject but tolerance can bind them unitedly. 
Growth only possible when one tolerate others and learn something. It enhances your patience level and infinite love.

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

COVID-19 Wave-2 Information

* SPAIN * has declared an emergency extendable until March 2021 * ...
   * UK * announced one-month lockdown
 * FRANCE * 2 weeks *
  * GERMANY * for 4 weeks *
  * ITALY * also to follow shortly ... *
  * ALL * these countries have confirmed that the * SECOND WAVE * is more deadly than the first ... * So we have to be very careful and * KEEP ALL PRECAUTIONS *.
  * Please also become a communicator of the * ALERT * among all friends and family ... * SAVE EVERYONE YOU CAN FROM THE SECOND WAVE *.
  * We can't take the * 2nd LOCKING PHASE AS IF NOTHING * ...
  * Yes, history tells us that the 2nd wave is more dangerous than the 1st, as was the case from 1917 to 1919 with the Spanish flu.  Millions of people died.  *
  * Protect yourself and your family. *
  *Stay safe,*
  * COVID-19
    DO NOT keep this information just for yourself, give it to all your family and friends.

Sunday, 20 December 2020

Short Moral Stories for Kids

1. The Lion and the Mouse story

"A lion was once sleeping in the jungle when a mouse started running up and down his body just for fun. This disturbed the lion’s sleep, and he woke up quite angry. He was about to eat the mouse when the mouse desperately requested the lion to set him free. “I promise you, I will be of great help to you someday if you save me.” The lion laughed at the mouse’s confidence and let him go."

"One day, a few hunters came into the forest and took the lion with them. They tied him up against a tree. The lion was struggling to get out and started to whimper. Soon, the mouse walked past and noticed the lion in trouble. Quickly, he ran and gnawed on the ropes to set the lion free. Both of them sped off into the jungle."


 Old people are ridiculed when they talk too much, but doctors see it as a blessing : Doctors say that retirees (senior citizens) should tal...